Animals suffer from skin issues, too!
Did you know that doggies can have pimples, too? Sometimes it's as simple as them not drinking out of a stainless steel bowl. My boo, Anoo, has been suffering from skin conditions ever since I can remember. A series of vet appointments for different issues has lead me to believe this - he must have some kind of auto-immune something that keeps his nose super dry and rough, his ears susceptible to sores, and his skin itchy (biting at paws if he doesn't have a bone at night!). A couple of years ago I was doing various skin research and I stumbled upon Skin Balance for humans and animals. I must say, I love Chinese medicine so I had all the faith in the world it would work. And it appears it truly has. I give them one a day, but you can decide your dose by body weight (follow directions). It helps push those toxins and heat out of the body, so there's less irritation and more balance. I started giving it to my older one, Admiral, too, since he's always had itchy skin causing him to constantly put his butt in our face so we can scratch it. You can imagine how this remedy's been a blessing to us as well.
Anoo Dat Blue from Planet Blue (Star Wars)
Just look at that face... yes, he gets whatever he wants!!
You can find it for under $15 on Amazon. :)