What's preventing you from having healthy skin?

Hi! Over the course of my skincare career I've heard many reasons, much like with a healthy diet, why someone can't come get a skincare treatment they desperately need or desire. I'm here today to address those concerns, and offer you more reasons why/how you CAN make the commitment you need to now that will change your life forever.

EXCUSE ONE: I don't have time.

MY RESPONSE: No one really does. It's all about prioritizing and Making Time for things that matter. Why shouldn't your skincare be right up there with the healthy food you buy/eat? You wouldn't tell yourself, "I'm not going grocery shopping this week, because I just don't have time, so I'll just eat out." You simply make time each week. And if you do subscribe to this unhealthy practice, I can guarantee that your skin's suffering and you're spending twice as much time and money correcting the damage, even if you don't recognize it. Usually, a healthy maintenance program consists of seeing a skincare specialist once a month, unless you're under a specialized treatment plan, equating to one hour a month. Ask about "lunchtime" facials. In many clinics they call them that because it's designed for people with busy schedules. In my studio, I offer mini facials and facial peels that take about 30 minutes, and are very effective treatments.

EXCUSE TWO: I can't afford it.

MY RESPONSE: This may be the case. My husband lost his job earlier this year, and I was once laid off three times in a row, so I get it! However, your skin should not have to suffer. That's why I've created, as many others have, affordable payment plans and discounted programs for loyal customers. ASK about them. Most skin care professionals genuinely want to help you, and will do whatever they can to make it happen. They also know it's much easier for you to maintain what you already have, than to fall behind, neglect your routine and start back from square one.

EXCUSE THREE: I can't afford home care treatments (or) this product is too expensive.

MY RESPONSE: Do you know that most higher end skincare products last 2 or 3X as long as over-the-counter brands? That's because the concentration levels are different. Rather than "sprinkling" your products with some buzz word that sounds familiar and marketing you to death with it, you can usually enjoy more effective home care products that will last 3-6 months longer (some up to a year!) when you buy from a reputable line. If a product costs $50, but last close to 5 months and you LOVE IT, that's $10 a month. Doesn't sound too bad anymore, does it? You probably spend that on products from the grocery store, and just lose count, because you had to buy more when they didn't do what they said they would. I'm not hating on all over-the-counter products, (promise!!) but I would like to communicate the general difference in the value you'll receive when you invest in quality lines vs. (over-the-counter) mainstream.

xo Jentri


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