My new best friend, Glycolic

For the past several years I've heard about retinol, retinol, retinol. And for good reason. Retinol treats acne and wrinkles! It's one of the only products that effectively does both and has a track record to prove it. I love me some Retinol products!!!

However, I find that Glycolic products are often overlooked. When I educate folks about glycolic, it seems that they're always surprised at all the benefits of home care products using this powerful agent. I can speak to this point from personal experience, and being about a 3-4 on the Fitzpatrick scale. I get hypergigmentation easily, but when using Glycolic Moisture Cream from my line, the spots fade within two weeks, instead of two months!

Glycolic is particularly wonderful because 90% of damaged skin is a result of sun damage. Sun damage often means hyper-pigmentation and roughness. I'm not saying that it will remove all your sun spots, or even out your texture completely with one use, but it will definitely aid you in deepening and maintaining your goals when used in a treatment series, and consistent home care system. Not only does glycolic exfoliate, like retinol, it helps lighten and brighten the skin, lessening the appearance of those darker, unwanted spots over time, in addition to fine lines and wrinkles.

This is another reason that peels with glycolic in them are so popular. What I'd like you to remember is that nothing (BIG) is accomplished by only having ONE treatment or using a great product a couple of times. The biggest part in achieving the results you desire, in my opinion, is a person's willingness to commit to the regimen so that it can have a cumulative effect.

Each time you get a treatment, the products are able to penetrate deeper, giving you a more results-oriented service. So, having one treatment is a GREAT start. But it's worth your consideration to invest in a series treatment, and it's often more cost effective! It all begins with education about your skin, figuring out what skin type you are, and being able to trust someone to help you achieve appropriate results. But don't worry, that's what I'm here for.

Each treatment starts with paperwork and conversation that allows us to communicate effectively about the history of your skin and its needs. Then we do a skin analysis that helps me determine your skin type, any skin issues and needs. After your first treatment, I'm able to talk with you about what I feel, see, and recommend for your future skin care routine. :)

Peels and home care products can yield amazing results when done right. Sometimes you just have to experience it to believe it! What are you waiting for?

 xo Jentri


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