Follow this blog and enter to win FREE makeup/skin care service(s) with Jentri!

Hi kiddos,

As part of me extending myself to others (YOU!) this holiday season, and because I LOVE games, and helping people, I've decided to have a little HOLIDAY CONTEST GIFT GIVE-A-WAY (that's a lot exciting words right there!!). Sign up to FOLLOW my new blog (the one you're reading right now) and I'll select someone before Dec. 25th (drawing fairly, of course) to give free services to (i.e., makeup consultation, makeup application, skin care consultation or treatment)!

I live in Austin, TX so you'll have to be local to receive it... but if you're not local, I'd be happy to send you a free product to use, instead of the treatment. In addition, I'll be in Boulder, CO as of May 2012, so if you're in that area, I'd be happy to catch up with you for this (free) service then! :)

FYI- I use all-natural, organic, sustainable lines, with integrity, when available/possible (i.e., Aveda, Eminence, DermaE). I use many different lines of makeup for services, depending on the client's needs.

Thanks for following me! I hope to give you loads of great information over time to help you improve upon your skin, thoughts about it, and wellness! I look forward to meeting you, if I haven't already!

Happy Holidays! xo J

me (on left) and my best bud, Clare, at Aveda Institute in ATX!


SilverStreek said…
Hey Jentri, its me aly! I was wondering were you vanished to, and how you were doing!
Alissa said…
What if we are already following? ;)
Jentri said…
Hey beautiful ladies! @Alissa - you're in! @Aly - I'm here, just crazy busy. Hope you're having a wonderful holiday season!! tell your family hello for me. :)

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