Vitamins for your Skin

Hey lovey dovies! Want to know a few vitamins that will aid you in having beautiful skin? Try these: Vitamin A, C, E, and Zinc. Studies have shown that as little as 30mg of Zinc a day can help cystic acne by 30%. My Vitamin C beverage (below post) is a great way to sneak in some lemon, too, which helps balance the skin while you're at it. And if you're running low on time, just pop 1K mg of Vit C in your routine per day. You'll get a nice little immune booster while you're at it! Vitamin A is also necessary for healthy skin. (BTW, Synthetic vitamin A-like compounds called retinoids, have been used to treat acne and wrinkling.) And last, but not least, Vitamin E is an antioxidant, aiding in the prevention of free radical damage. So get to it and get your vitamin dance on!

xo Jentri


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