6 Years Later - Adding Skin Care To My Wellness Routine

About 6 years ago I created a little wellness/fitness video called 40 Going On 20, but I never continued this blog spot. 40 Going On 20 has always been about looking and feeling beautiful in the most natural way possible. :)

I feel that this is an opportune time to pick up this wellness blog act, since I've been attending the Aveda Institute to get my esthiology license this year!

A little background about me: I've been a freelance makeup artist the past decade, and have a BS from UT in RTF. I'm also part of a paranormal group here in ATX, Aether Paranormal. So, when I'm not writing or making movies, I'm helping folks look pretty or chase ghosts! ;)

Sooooo, I'll post all my wellness/beauty/skin care tips here from now on, particularly focusing on skin care, and we'll see how this blog develops together!

I'd love to answer any skin care questions you have, too! If I don't know the answer, I know someone who does - and I'll help you achieve your goals by pointing you in the right direction.

Speaking to several peers, I realized that there are not many (if any) spaces where we can go get sound skin care advice without there being an agenda from the supplier. How do we know someone is telling us the truth if they're always trying to sell something? It's hard. So I'd like to try to change that on this blog.

Like Aveda, I believe in the mind-body-spirit connection. If we are lacking in one area, it's affecting another. You can count on that.

Here's my 40 Going On 20 skin care tip of the week: Drink one of my Vitamin C drinks at night (assuming you don't have a problem with too much acidity) and it will help you balance out the PH in your skin.

4020 Vit C Drink: Let 1K mg of Vitamin C (buffered preferred) dissolve in 1/2 cup of boiling water. Once dissolved, squeeze 1/2 of a lemon and 2 tbsp of LOCAL honey or maple syrup (if you're iron deficient) to sweeten, and enjoy!

This concoction often will help with acne, or breakouts... and who doesn't want that!? If it doesn't, you'll still get a vitamin boost each evening! It's a nice relaxing ritual for me, and alternative to my hot green tea, when I don't want the caffeine. It's great if you consume your vit C through whole foods, but the reality is that most of us don't.

Love to you 'till next time!



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