40 Going On 20 launches off!

The day has finally arrived. After two years of passion and dedication, 40 Going On 20 finally comes to fruition. I've enjoyed every moment of the process, even when it felt like it was 40 going on Forever. I had talked about it for so long, that I'm not sure anyone believed I actually produced a video. Our talent is amazing. I am so blessed to have people supporting me with the positive energy I need, and love. I'm proud to deliver this DVD to people around the globe. I feel that 40 Going On 20, coupled with our website--free to the public, encompases all that is empowering and important for women. It's FUN, CREATIVE, & INSPIRING to be a part of~I hope everyone will enjoy participating in this little treasure, as much as I've loved creating it for you.
xo Jentri


goooooood girl said…
i like your blog......

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