Give your skin a break (you deserve it)

Have you ever looked back at a younger version of yourself and thought about how silly it was that you used to think you had bad hair, (ok, maybe you did) were fat, had imperfections you would gladly now pay for, or perceived your skin as "bad" because of some occasional hormonal breakouts? Sigh.

Me, too.

For most of us, our skin - our largest organ - has been through a lot. Would you be so hard on a friend? Some skin has been through the loss of loved ones, such as parents or children. Some skin has experienced sickness or the kind of heart break that no one should ever know. Some skin has been homeless, and some has had a hard time getting a fair chance at life. Some skin has been malnourished, dehydrated or irreparably damaged. Some skin has been through divorce, or separation, anxiety, neglect, or depression (or all of the above).

At any rate- the commonality of our skin lies within our spirit to prevail as humans, partners, and friends. Your skin is your shell and it tells a story that no one else can replicate, because no one else is you. Every wrinkle and imperfection has been earned by you and that is your beauty and power.

That's pretty special.


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