Breakouts? How to save money and fight acne

Recently I went to the dermatologist because I've been experiencing more than usual breakouts the last several months. They seem to move all over my face, even forehead - which is usually stress-related in my experience. Throw in some hormonal shifts and not-the-right-products and viola! There's a mess on my face. Sound familiar?

There are a few common acne treatments you may have heard of. To make it easy to understand I'll break down a few most recognized - 1) Retinoids (i.e., Retin-A) is a concentration of vitamin A used to treat acne/aging, 2) Salicylic Acid (i.e., willow bark) is an anti-inflammatory that also kills bacteria, and 3) benzoyl peroxide - dries up blemishes, kills acne.

So now that we have an idea of what does what-- the dermatologist recommended a treatment called Epiduo. If you have insurance with a $15 co pay, no problem. But since many Americans pay cash these days, a cool $500 can be unacceptable. Ouch.

Warning: I am a licensed esthetician, not a doctor, licensed to prescribe medicine. Epidue may not be right for everyone, this is just based on MY experience and meant to help you, if you share a similar experience!

Anyhow -- so what about MY ACNE??????? Not too good of a feeling to not be able to help your face or your kid out, ey??

Since I'm an esthetician, I thought to call the pharmacist to do a little investigating. What could be worth $500, besides getting rid of this frustration? Turns out, this topical medicine is a combination of Retinol and Benzoyl peroxide (mine strength was 2.5%).

So, here's my solution, folks. I don't usually recommend over the counter products much, because they simply don't have the quality and concentration I often look for to help my clients --BUT, in this case, it just makes sense.

Neutrogena sells on-the-spot treatment at your local grocery store (benzoyl peroxide 2.5%) for $5. You can alternate between this and whatever Retinol product you use. If you pay cash for Retin-A at Costco it's around $100. If you don't have a prescription, a couple great alternatives are ZO Skin Health's Advanced Radical Night Repair (retails $170 at dermatology offices) or Skin Medica's Retinol Complex 1.0 for $50 on Amazon. I love both.

Side Note: If you pay cash at the Dermatology office, you can often get a discount, (so ask!!!) unless they don't accept insurance at all.

Here's to hoping this post brings a little relief to your face and pocket book, like mine!! It worked for me and saved me $400.

xoxo Jentri


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